Inclusive & Accessible Research:
How to Set Up Remote Interviews, Focus Groups, and Digital Diaries As we’ve written about before, we’re exploring how we can be more inclusive and accessible in conducting research. Here are some initial things for any team to consider when attempting to make research more inclusive and accessible: It starts with us challenging ourselves to…
Trust, Community and Your Customers
We should probably finish learning how to do community well in web 2.0 before we take all our bad habits with us to web3. In 2009, when we first started talking to consumers using online video diaries, the platforms were set up to function a lot like early Facebook – reverse chronological order, everyone able…
Normalize talking to people
We’re done apologizing. Last week someone got in touch about attending the Qual360 conference in DC this spring and they were offering a discount, so I took a look. After scrolling through the program and the featured speakers, I was left wondering why on earth anyone would still be spending a thousand dollars to go…
We Could All Use a Little Grace
Brief reflections on 2021, our plans for the future, and our faves from the cusp of 2022. Hi. 2021 ended for our little team with a grim flourish of grief, illness, and other forms of bad news, so we’ve all been simply trying to recover from that before we could even begin, really, to think…
A Representative Sample
We’re trying to create the conditions for a truly representative sample in market research – want to help? The tl;dr – we’re building a qualitative research recruitment panel that is designed to be inclusive and accessible from the ground up. If you or someone you know would like to join that panel, and be connected…
Checking our Assumptions
What marketers take for granted about how people make decisions; why it took the pandemic for researchers to adopt remote methods; the value of the beginner’s perspective Only a day late this time (and we’ve switched to Substack, because, well, we want the option of alt-text on images, and not every newsletter platform even offers…