A Case Study

The Assignment:

To identify opportunities to increase business news consumption
among professional women.

What we did:

Interviewed current, former and potential subscribers to an international business newspaper about their media and news habits, and how this relates to their careers and personal finances.

Interviews were conducted remotely in the US, UK and Asia among professional women of a variety of backgrounds, working in many different fields.

What they got:

A detailed report outlining the state of news consumption, the influence of devices and social media, the impact of brand and awareness on source selection, and how women feel about news tailored “for them”.

The report also made key recommendations about content channels, topics, and delivery methods, as well as about how tone and format preferences may influence women’s news consumption.

The results:

The newspaper is now actively monitoring the usage behavior of its women subscribers; introduced a very successful flagship newsletter edited by women reporters and columnists highlighting the work of other women on the paper; and alerts journalists during editing when articles fail to garner enough gender diversity in quoted sources.